It sounds like you had an interesting combination of issues. If
EclipseME was working correctly, you should have received an error
marker in the Java editor. Any chance that you had it and didn't
notice? If not, there is likely a bug in EclipseME which definitely
made things more difficult for you to narrow down your problem.
I'm glad that you came to the mailing list and that you eventually
figured out your problem. Please feel free to create a bug report on
Sourceforge for anything that seemed to be wrong in EclipseME. While
it is unclear how many bugs I will fix directly in EclipseME, I will
make sure to work with everyone on the MTJ project to make sure that
these bugs are fixed in the MTJ code.
On Jun 24, 2008, at 8:35 AM, Berk Birand wrote:
> ***@ORACLE.COM wrote:
>> Berk, final methods are allowed in MIDP. In fact, it's one of the
>> tricks you can use to save a few bytes in the final obfuscated JAR
>> file. I can't say I understand why removing the final method fixed
>> the problems you were seeing, but try adding another final method
>> and see if it works now.
> You are absolutely right, it turns out it is the "finalize" method
> that
> is not allowed. I had it declared the method as "final finalized,"
> and I
> guess I didn't read the error message properly. Initially I was hoping
> to put some code in there that would right my data structure to the
> when my model class was destroyed. It got fixed when I removed the
> class
> altogether. Thanks for pointing that out!
>> Parag Chandra
>> Senior Software Developer
>> ***
>> 404-439-5821
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Berk Birand [mailto:***]
>> Sent: Tuesday, June 24, 2008 6:46 AM
>> To: eclipseme-***
>> Subject: Re: [Eclipseme-users] ClassNotFound problem with Eclipse
>> 3.3 and EclipseME 1.7.9 [SOLVED]
>> Hi all,
>> I finally figured out why things weren't working as expected. The
>> debug
>> mode of EclipseME helped me a lot. It turns out my first mistake
>> was in
>> deleting the content of the .eclipseme.tmp directory, including the
>> emulator/ and verified/ directories. I thought those would be
>> regenerated the next round, but I suppose that wasn't the case,
>> since I
>> kept seeing FileNotFound exceptions in the EclipseME console.
>> After that was done, the content of the folders were created as
>> expected, but I still got the ClassNotFound exception. Looking at the
>> preverifier output, I realized that was because I had a method
>> declared
>> as "final," which apparently is not allowed in MIDP. Once I took that
>> out, the classes were preverified, and the emulator ran normally.
>> I apologize for making a novice mistake like this, but I am indeed a
>> beginner and have been developing for this platform for about 3
>> days. On
>> the flip side, I learned a lot about writing programs for this
>> platform,
>> and I hopefully won't be wasting your time with inconsequential
>> problems
>> (I'll be wasting it with more difficult ones).
>> Thanks to everyone who have answered,
>> Sincerely,
>> Berk
>> Berk Birand wrote:
>>> First of all, thanks a lot for all your quick answers. This has been
>>> really bugging me, and it is somewhat nice to hear that the solution
>>> doesn't stem from me having something configured improperly.
>>> After learning about the .eclipseme.tmp directory, I made some more
>>> observations that might be of help. I removed the content of the /
>>> bin
>>> directory, and the .eclipseme.tmp directories, as explained in
>>> . I then opened
>>> Eclipse, and
>>> attempted to re-build the project, getting the same
>>> ClassPathNotFound
>>> exception. However when I then check in those directories, I don't
>>> see
>>> any new .class files, so nothing appears to have been compiled.
>>> There is
>>> a .jar file in the /emulation subfolder, but it only contains a
>>> MANIFEST.MF file.
>>> In short, the reason why it cannot find the class is because the
>>> sources
>>> are never compiled, not because they are unreachable.
>>> Does anybody know why EclipseME would refuse to compile the
>>> project? How
>>> can I force it to do that? Or is there any way to diagnose why it
>>> is
>>> not doing so?
>>> I enabled the EclipseME debug mode by using the command-line
>>> switch, but
>>> the EclipseME error console only displays this:
>>>> PreverificationBuilder.getRuntimeJar project = P/GroceryList
>>> < PreverificationBuilder.getRuntimeJar project = P/GroceryList
>>> Thank you in advance,
>>> Berk
>>> Heiko Selber wrote:
>>>> BTW: Putting /bin into the classpath shouldn't help anyway,
>>>> because MIDlets must be preverified. So, if anyting, you should
>>>> add /verified, not /bin.
>>>> As to the original problem: For some reason, over the air doesn't
>>>> always work for me (perhaps because of missing write permissions).
>>>> But when I do J2ME -> Create Package and specify the MIDlet
>>>> explicitly in the launch configuration, I can run it in the
>>>> emulator. But then you always have to create the package
>>>> explicitly after modifying the sources.
>>>> Heiko
>>>> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>>>>> Datum: Tue, 24 Jun 2008 00:39:24 +0200
>>>>> Von: Markus Sinner <***>
>>>>> An: eclipseme-***
>>>>> Betreff: Re: [Eclipseme-users] ClassNotFound problem with
>>>>> Eclipse 3.3 and EclipseME 1.7.9
>>>>> You should open a bug report on sourceforge if it persists...
>>>>> Did you run your midlet "over the air"? Try specifying the
>>>>> midlet in the
>>>>> run-tab, if I remember right it is the third option.
>>>>> Berk Birand schrieb:
>>>>>> Hi all,
>>>>>> I am developing my first MIDlet using Eclipse 3.3 and EclipseME
>>>>>> 1.7.9.
>>>>>> The development started fairly smoothly, and I managed to run the
>>>>>> important demos in the Sun WTK 2.5.2, I recently ran into some
>>>>>> weird
>>>>>> problems that no amount of Googling could solve. It all began
>>>>>> when I
>>>>>> made a lot of changes to the source code of my own application,
>>>>>> and
>>>>>> wanted to see how it worked in the emulator. When I ran the
>>>>>> project,
>>>>>> none of the changes showed up, and I would still see some
>>>>>> sysout prints
>>>>>> that I had removed long ago. I then went into the Eclipse
>>>>>> workspace, and
>>>>>> removed the content of the /bin directory, thinking that it would
>>>>>> recompile everything from the source.
>>>>>> Instead, I started running into these errors:
>>>>>> Running with storage root
>>>>>> /home/graffiti/j2mewtk/2.5.2/appdb/DefaultColorPhone
>>>>>> Running with locale: en_US.UTF-8
>>>>>> Running in the untrusted security domain
>>>>>> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org/berk/GroceryList
>>>>>> at com.sun.midp.midlet.MIDletState.createMIDlet(+29)
>>>>>> at com.sun.midp.midlet.Scheduler.schedule(+52)
>>>>>> at com.sun.midp.main.Main.runLocalClass(+28)
>>>>>> at com.sun.midp.main.Main.main(+80)
>>>>>> Execution completed.
>>>>>> 2755738 bytecodes executed
>>>>>> 40 thread switches
>>>>>> 1665 classes in the system (including system classes)
>>>>>> 14243 dynamic objects allocated (437872 bytes)
>>>>>> 1 garbage collections (0 bytes collected)
>>>>>> Somebody else had a similar problem, and they proposed
>>>>>> including the
>>>>>> /bin directory as an "Extra Emulator Parameter" using the -cp
>>>>>> switch.
>>>>>> When I do, the emulator does manage to find the class, but I
>>>>>> get the
>>>>>> following error instead:
>>>>>> Running with storage root
>>>>>> /home/graffiti/j2mewtk/2.5.2/appdb/DefaultColorPhone
>>>>>> Running with locale: en_US.UTF-8
>>>>>> Running in the untrusted security domain
>>>>>> Error verifying method org/berk/GroceryList startApp()V
>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>> ALERT: java/lang/VerifyError: org/berk/GroceryList.
>>>>>> Execution completed.
>>>>>> 2750987 bytecodes executed
>>>>>> 32 thread switches
>>>>>> 1666 classes in the system (including system classes)
>>>>>> 14313 dynamic objects allocated (438588 bytes)
>>>>>> 2 garbage collections (378116 bytes collected).
>>>>>> I really do not know what else I can try, or what other
>>>>>> diagnostic
>>>>>> information I can send you that could be of help. I heard the
>>>>>> log mode
>>>>>> of EclipseME could be useful, but I couldn't find a way of
>>>>>> enabling it.
>>>>>> If you have any leads, please let me know,
>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>> Berk
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