Closing Down This Mailing List
Craig Setera
2009-06-20 15:36:56 UTC
For all subscribers.

Thanks so much for sticking with me and the EclipseME project. Given
that EclipseME has officially grown into the Eclipse Mobile Tools for
Java project, I believe it makes more sense to shut down this list at
this time. I would urge all current EclipseME users to make the switch
to the MTJ project. I think you will find it pleasantly familiar, but
also much more polished.

The MTJ project web site can be found at
http://www.eclipse.org/dsdp/mtj/ . Information on joining the user's
newsgroup can be found at http://www.eclipse.org/dsdp/mtj/news.php .

I will leave the archives of this mailing list on Sourceforge for those
that may come across a need, but I'm going to close membership and
disallow sending of new messages. I will also leave
http://eclipseme.org up and running for its historical content. I will
continue to be involved in the Eclipse MTJ project and you can also
track my related blog entries at the new address

Thanks again!
